Friday, October 24, 2008

What's in a Name?

Scott and I had many a disagreement about names. We had agreed that we didn't want to find out the sexes, even though it would have made planning easier. Since we didn't know if we were having boys, girls, or one of each, we had to choose 4 names. This became more complicated as time went on. We knew we liked the names Heather and Michael....good traditional names (we wanted our kids to be able to find those souvenir license plates and key chains with their names on them, really). Scott had always like the name Thor, however, I did not. "It's a good strong name for strong boy, " he stated.

"What if we have a scrawny little kid?" I argued.

"Given our size (we are both "big-boned") we are not going to have a scrawny little kid."

"Case in point, my parents wanted to name my sister Katherine. They opted not to because the are both "big-boned" and they would have had a "big-boned" child with the nickname Tina or Teeny. (They ended up having a Tina anyway, my sister is quite tall and thin)"

He finally agreed with me and hopped on the internet to research names. Scott has been able to trace his family history back to the Crusades. He was hopeful that he could find family names that we could use for the twins. He came up with some rather interesting choices...Corneilius? There was no way I was naming my son Corneilius! Harold? Nope! Wrong again!

We knew that we wanted to celebrate the heritages of both our families, so we chose the following:
GIRLS: Heather Sophia and Mira Grace
BOYS: Michael Austin and Alexander Bernard
We chose one middle name from each side of the family. Sophia was my aunt's middle name and Grace was Scott's grandmother's name. Austin was Scott's grandfather's middle name and Bernard is my father's name. But what would happen if we had one of each? We decided that both of our families needed to be represented in each name, therefore we came up with Heather Sophia Grace and Michael Austin Bernard.

We should have named them each Mini-Scott and Mini-Lisa. The first time I got a glimpse of my too little ones was in their "toasters" in the NICU. My mother wheeled me in between the two incubators. I looked at Michael and gasped, "That looks like Scott!" I turned in the other direction and looked at Heather and gasped again, "That looks like me!"

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