Saturday, August 21, 2010


Heatherisms are very different from Michaelisms. Michaelisms result from the boy's mouth working faster than his brain...not that is brain is slow, just that his mouth is faster. Heatherisms are the result of careful deliberation.

Heather is one of the greatest thinkers of our time. She has thought about becoming president one day. I think she'll do it, too. One day, while strolling through Washington, D.C. in the sweltering heat of early summer, she asked if we could go visit the White House.....right now. We explained that we could not as we would need reservations to get inside, and further explained that the security was very strict. She announced that when she grows up and becomes president she will allow anyone to come to the White House to visit as long as the took their shoes off so the floors wouldn't get scratched up.

Yesterday she was grilling us again with question after question. This is how she works. In order to get as much information as she possibly can before making her final statement, she interrogates you until you cry out in desperation, "Will this ever end????" This particular discussion revolved around age and growing old.

"Mom, do you know anyone, besides the people in the Bible, who lived to be 200 years old?"

Here we go...."No, I don't. People these days don't live that long."

"How old is the oldest person?"

(sigh) "I think the oldest person so far has lived to be 115 or 116."

"How come we can't live to be 200?"

"I don't think our bones would be able to hold us together anymore."

"Oh." This is usually the end of the questioning. Usually. She thinks for all of 5 seconds and comes up with this final, profound, groundbreaking statement: "When I get to be around 80 years old, when I wake up in the morning and before I go to sleep at night, I will tell myself how old I am that day. That way when I die, I'll know how old I am."

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