This is one of many chapters on my son. He has definitely has had some language mix-ups. He is a very intuitive little boy, however his brain works faster than his mouth sometimes. Other times I wonder where he comes up with such elaborate schemes.
As a newly talking toddler, he would often say "duck-a-doh." It was weeks before we figured out what he was saying. Even Heather was getting in on it. "Duck-a-doh." What does it mean? It was Scott's mom who figured it out. If it hadn't been for her I think we would still be wondering what it meant. She had been babysitting the twins one day and they happened to be watching Blue's Clues. For those of you who do not have young children, Blue's Clues is a children's educational program where Blue (a blue dog) leaves pawprint clues for Steve (her owner) to find and figure out what game she wants to play or what snack she would like. Other household members are animated as well. There's Slippery Soap, Mailbox, Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper and their young child Paprika. In some of the episodes, Blue spins around and magically enters a book or drawing. Steve sings along as she does this, "Blue skidoo, we can too!" And as this is happening, Michael points to the TV and announces, "Duck-a-doh."
In another story about a year later, we were watching the news about the Gulf War. The anchorperson was discussing how the army had blown up the dams on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Michael went all tattletale on the man. "Ooooh, he said a bad word!" It took us a few minutes to explain that, in this case, a dam was a wall that holds back water. His response? "Oh. But we still can't say G** Dammit, right Daddy?
Michael was forever mixing up his words, too. Here are a few examples: Skameeto (mosquito), Skabetti (spaghetti), and most recently, pasberry. And now I give you a final Michaelism for today....the pasberry story. This past summer we traveled to South Carolina; we stopped in Colonial Williamsburg to visit. While there, Michael was working in an activity book with a mad lib in it. The theme of the story was an accident. We added the quirky words (40 boogers were driving in a car....) and Michael read back the story.... "And then a pasberry told the police..."
"Pasberry? What's a pasberry, Mike?"
"I don't know, Mom."
"Spell it."
"Ohhhhh a passerby!"
These are just some of many stories that I will share about my kids. I love to talk about my kids. I am proud of everything they do. They are my heart and soul.
So, you're fond of Steve, Blue's owner? What about Joe? That's right, Joe replaced Steve. Yeah, he was kind of inferior, but that's OK. I'm glad you had time to write.
I love this! As a mom of an almost 2 year old who rarely talks and a 3 1/2 year old who needs speech I can see what I have to look forward to! I will have to tell you the story of what happened the other day when Janelle was pointing at her changing table! Quite a misunderstanding, wait I think I will blog about it!
I love Michaelism's. You are a fantastic mom, Lisa.
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