Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Announcement

We left the hospital and drove down the street to my mother's work. We proudly showed off the ultrasound pictures of out two little tic-tacs. However, we did not say anything yet. We happily pointed out a spine here....a head there....on each picture. My mother was just so happy and she danced around her office. Finally we let her in on our little secret....there were two pictures because there were two babies. TWINS! She cried and her boss came out of his office to see what was the matter. We all had a good cry together and headed off to our house to tell my father. Dad was a little more subdued, but still proud. We called Scott's mom and offered to take her out to lunch. We sat in a booth at the Halfmoon Diner and as we showed Mom the pictures and finally told her it was twins; she cried in her soup!

That evening I called my best friend, Jennifer, and Scott's friends, Bill and Noelle. They were all thrilled to hear the news. Finally, I called my Aunt Nancy in Florida. I asked her if she was sitting down. She asked, "Why? What's wrong?" I told her to sit down and she indicated that she was sitting and had a glass of wine. "I'm having twins," I announced.
she cried....I think the entire retirement community where they lived heard her voice echoing between the rows of RVs.

The following Monday I arrived at work with pictures in hand. I showed them to my co-worker, Lynn. Lynn was the shoulder I cried on when I miscarried my first pregnancy. She had been going through the same issues as I had and we discussed many of our problems together. She looked at my ultrasounds and was able to point out the legs, hands, and spine in each picture. I finally asked her, "Lynn, why do you think I have two pictures?" and she burst into tears of joy.

Many of my coworkers and family and friends asked if I had had any morning sickness yet. Not yet, I hadn't. Little did I know.....

1 comment:

A Very Tired Karen said...

I hope your morning sickness was not as bad as mine. I was unable to leave the house for 3 months and any words that pertained to foon were forbidden.
I can't imagine anyone having a worse time then me! I can't wait to hear about someone else's misery!