After finding out I was having twins, I went to a nutritionist. Her advice? Since I was pregnant with twins and essentially eating for three (!), I should be eating at least 2500 calories a day. I had just been given permission to eat whatever I wanted. Yes! She told me to stay clear of too many carbs and fats and I would be fine. I discovered that by eating small meals throughout the day I could control the morning sickness. While I wouldn't get rid of it completely until I was about 7 months along, I was able to decrease it considerably to only once a day.
I prepped for battle by keeping a bag of pretzels in my purse; I stashed a bag of animal crackers between the seats of my car; and I carried my cute little lunchbox everywhere....stuffed with carrots, apples and peanut butter, granola bars, (ooooh!) cereal and milk, those cracker and cheese sandwich thingys, pudding (did I mention that my cute little lunchbox unzips into a full-sized tailgating cooler?) bananas, yogurt, strawberries, cookies, (ummmm...what else?) pasta and meatballs, a sandwich, and whatever else my little heart desired (not sure there IS anything left)! I was loving this!
Being pregnant had its ups and downs...literally. I can remember sitting on the couch with my breakfast-- a bowl of cereal. I was about 6 months pregnant and as big as the couch itself...only rounder. I had to sit on the couch to eat because I couldn't reach the table, what with my arms being too short for my belly. I set the bowl of cereal on my belly and began shovelling the bulldozer-sized spoon in my mouth. The temperature of the cold milk in the bowl must have transferred to through to the kiddos, because all of a sudden the bowl began to jiggle and wobble!
With all this grazing, I was prepared to triple my weight....I rationalized that it was for my babies. But get this, folks, I gained only 11 pounds for my entire pregnancy. Now, calm down, ladies, I know you are ready to string me up by my toes in a jealous rage. After the twins were born....I gained over 100 lbs, because I continued to eat like I was pregnant....constantly grazing.
I was happy and pukey, but who cared? I was having twins! Nothing could ruin my day...little did I know......
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